Jerry Starr
Height: 6'1" Weight: 229 lbs.
Hometown: Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Theme Song: "Elite" by The Deftones

  • Tag team partner with Allen Franks ("Canuckin' Cowboys")
  • Manger: Calgary Carl

LEGACY Accomplishments:
  • (none yet)

Offensive Arsenal
Finishing Moves:
  1. Canadian Crippling Effect
    (Three Tiger Suplexes into the Rings of Saturn)
  2. Starrstruck
    (Running Knockout Front Dropkick to the Face)

Signature Moves:
  1. a

Basic Moveset:
  • Athletic, technical moveset

Profile Information

“Elite” Jerry Starr is an alumni from Storm Wrestling Academy in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Spending twelve weeks under the tutelage of some of the greatest technical wrestlers in all of Canada, and then an additional three and a half years co-instructing aspiring students, Jerry Starr quickly developed an affinity for his craft. Tailor made for a unique blend of technical based high flying, Jerry Starr has helped shape some of the brightest young stars into becoming the future of this business.

While legitimizing his worth as a pro-wrestling trainer, this is where he discovered a young hopeful named Carl Otts, who later went on to become known as Calgary Carl. Well into Carl’s training at the Academy, it had been realized that Carl made for a better personality outside of the ring than inside of it. Knowing this full well and utilizing Carl’s hapless qualities to his advantage, Jerry Starr began taking Carl under his wing as a manager.

At just twenty-six years of age, “The Elite One” left behind the Academy so he could branch out as a full-time wrestler. Upon doing this, Jerry Starr joined several Western Canada promotions attaining moderate to high success in each of them. After winning a few different titles in what was mostly a light-heavyweight scene, Jerry Starr received a phone call from LEGACY’s scouting agencies about trying out for the LEGACY tour. Agreeing to giving this opportunity his best shot, Jerry Starr walked right into LEGACY with his head held high, confident that success would be only an arm’s length away.